Oil on Canvas
10x8 Inches
“Land Lubber” is an old sailor’s expression for someone who would rather be on land. That reminds me of the lemon shown sitting on the counter!
My mom had this bowl for years and recently passed it on to me. I love filling it lemons and keeping the bowl on the counter.
Available: Contact me for details.
Love this painting, love the sentiment behind it! Leslie I wish you'd fill out your profile a bit - I went to email you and could not locate it! I think we have a similar 'path' (I've been painting full time about 5 years, self-taught, etc). I really enjoy your work!
Nice subtleties in the textured passage in the bowl! I also like the neutral backgrounds, with the sweet lemon-y yellow fruit! Also nice to have something of your mom's...
Nice work. Welcome to the blogoshere.
What does ACEO mean?
Thank you Kelley for visiting and ciommenting!
Mary Thank you for welcoming me to “the blogoshere” and for your comment/question! ACEO means Art Cards Editions and Originals. Here’s a good link to visit... ACEO
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